Orthodontic Dentistry
Your Choice for Orthodontic Dentistry on 17th Avenue SW
Why Do I need Orthodontic Dentistry?
We know that misaligned teeth can often lead to more problems than just embarrassing smiles. At West 17th Avenue Dental Care we are pleased to offer Orthodontic Dentistry to correct alignment issues of the teeth and jaw, improve the appearance of one’s teeth, and positively impact the long-term health of your teeth, gum, and jaw joints.
Orthodontic treatment has come a long way since traditional wire braces were first introduced. With so many options available in terms of corrective options, it’s hard to know what to choose! Traditional wire braces, Ceramic Braces, Invisalign, Damon Braces, Traditional metal, Lingual Braces, dental appliances…the options are numerous. The type of braces or corrective appliance you need depends on a number of factors including the extent of your treatment, the preferences of your dentist or orthodontist, how much you are willing to pay, how long you will be in braces to correct your problems, and what you ultimately desire.
We recommend that you take the first step to straighter, healthier teeth by contacting our office to discuss the orthodontic options that would best suit your needs.

If you are missing multipleteeth, a full or partial removable denture could be the best option for you! At West 17th Avenue Dental Care, our dental team is here to advise you of all the treatment options based on your unique case. Dentures are prosthetic teeth worn by those who have lost their natural teeth through injury or illness. There are many different types of dentures designed to address a variety of dental situations.
Dentures may be removable, or implant supported, full or partial, and they can offer both functional and aesthetic benefits. Well-made dentures allow the wearer to enjoy all kinds of food, whereas missing teeth or poor dentures significantly restrict chewing ability. Dentures also support the lips and cheeks, improving the appearance of a patient who has lost his or her own natural teeth. Dentures are custom designed to fit each patient’s mouth. And while dentures can take some getting used to and may never feel exactly the same as your original teeth, they are now more comfortable than ever, and we take every step to ensure they look as natural as ever.
If you’ve lost, or are losing, all of your teeth, a complete denture set is something to discuss with your dentist. If some of your teeth remain and are healthy, a partial denture may be your way to a greater smile. Our experienced dental team will thoroughly discuss all the factors to take into consideration in order to decide which procedure will best restore your natural teeth for a lifetime of beautiful smiles. To learn more about West 17th Avenue Dental Care Dentures, please contact our office today!

Sport Mouthguards
At West 17th Avenue Dental Care, our goal is to ensure our patients have the right protection for their teeth. That is why we are pleased to offer Custom Sports Mouthguards, an important piece of sporting equipment intended to protect your teeth while playing hands-on sports.
Since approximately 39% of all dental injuries occur while playing sports, and 75% of sports related dental injuries affect at least one of the most visible teeth in our smile. The most common sport-related injuries include broken teeth, knocked-out teeth, injured cheeks or tongue, or broken jaws. All sports activities, contact sports, or other athletic activities, contain some element of risk that could result in dental injury.
At West 17th Avenue Dental Care, we recommend that anyone who participates in any type of athletic activity protect their teeth with a high quality, proper fitting sports mouthguard. A properly fitted sports mouthguard is designed to fit over your bite while you’re engaged in an activity and absorb the shock of impact and protect the teeth and soft tissues inside your mouth against potential chips, cracks, fractures, knock-out, and damage. The material is light, which means it will not restrict your breathing in any way, and the construction allows you to talk naturally without limitation. Most importantly, the mouthguard is comfortable, safe and highly effective.
We welcome you to book a consultation appointment at West 17th Avenue Dental Care today, to discuss your sports mouthguard options. You can also discuss your sports mouthguard options at you next hygiene and check-up appointment – just ask!

Night Guards/Bruxism Splints
West 17th Avenue Dental Care offers Night Guard/splints so that you and your entire family can get a good night’s sleep! If you often wake up with a sore jaw, a dull headache, or tooth pain, you may want to ask your Health Care provider if you could be suffering from a condition called bruxism or teeth grinding. A Night Guard or Stabilization Splint is a covering worn over teeth designed to prevent wear and tear on the teeth from the constant subconscious grinding that takes place at night while you’re asleep.
A custom night guard fits into your mouth and prevents and/or reduces the intensity of jaw clenching while you sleep, which in turn can help to alleviate a sore jaw, headaches, and tooth pain associated with the grinding. A night guard also helps to prevent chipping or breaking of the teeth that might otherwise result from the teeth grinding. Night guards are one of the most common treatments for TMJ disorders. We know that a good night’s sleep is important for overall health and wellness. Contact West 17th Avenue Dental Care to see if our Mouth Guards or Stabilization Splints may be the answer for you.
TMD Therapy
Temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD) is the name given to several problems with jaw movements and pain in and around the jaw joints. If you often have a clicking or popping sound when opening and closing your mouth, you might have TMD.
Usually the most significant symptom of TMD is frequent headaches and migraines, and this is definitely the most commonly reported symptom. Other symptoms can include neck and shoulder pain, stiffness, ear pain, locked jaw and jaw pain, bite problems, and in some cases, tooth sensitivity. Along with treating the root cause of the problem, the main purpose of TMD therapy is to make the jaw function normally along with the associated structures, and eliminate the pain and discomfort associated with TMD.
TMD involves a complex interaction of muscles and joints and can occur as a result of problems with the teeth and your bite, the jaw, jaw joint and surrounding facial muscles that control chewing and moving the jaw. It is imperative to identify the problem first before any treatment is taken. Once the orthopedic corrections are done, then there can be better functioning on the muscular and the neurological system. A first step dental treatment will often be a custom nightguard or bruxism splint, to see if prevention of jaw clenching alleviates the symptoms.
If you are diagnosed with TMD, a branch of dentistry called Neuromuscular dentistry has developed to spot and treat TMD. Our Calgary dentists at West 17th Avenue Dental Care are trained in Neuromuscular dentistry and invite you to book an appointment to review your symptoms and discuss possible solutions and treatment today!

Sleep Apnea Appliance
Sleep Apnea is a dangerous condition that occurs when breathing is interrupted while you sleep. These stoppages in breathing can occur hundreds of times a night without you even realizing. Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), if left untreated, can pose a significant health risk to patients such as heart attack or stroke, and can potentially decrease up to 15 years of lifespan.
As dentists, we often see the associated physical conditions of OSA like wear on teeth fromclenching and grinding, and the effects to the tissue in the mouth. Although continuous positive airway (CPAP) pressure therapy is the most recommended treatment for patients with obstructive sleep apnea, not all patients are able to remain compliant with this form of treatment. Many find it cumbersome to travel with, bulky, noisy, and uncomfortable to wear. For patients like these, an alternative may be recommended.
Here at West 17th Avenue Dental Care, we offer oral appliance therapy treatment. Similar to night guards, oral appliances to treat OSA are small custom fit devices that fit securely in your mouth and repositions the lower jaw to open the airway and prevent the tongue and soft tissue in the back of the throat from collapsing when a patient is sleeping. Oral appliance therapy favorably positions the tongue and mandible to keep the airway open during sleep and therefore encourages sufficient oxygen delivery throughout your body. It is a custom designed device to fit over your upper and lower teeth and is easy to wear, small and convenient to carry when travelling, and much more comfortable than a CPAP machine. Most importantly, it has been proven effective. Contact our office today to see whether the oral appliance therapy is an option for you!